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Janay Lary

Janay Lary's Gold Award Project was, "Break the Silence on Child Abuse". Janay is from Troop 689 and graduated from West Ashley High School. She wanted to explore ways to educate and inform the community about child abuse. She tackled the stigma of abuse, explored and expanded upon how it is often covered up, overlooked or perhaps not identified. 

She worked with Valerie Gilliard, MSW of the SC Youth Advocate Program who also  acted as Janay's project advisor. Ms. Gilliard said of Janay's work, "The information in Ms. Lary’s presentation is important because it transcends all cultural aspects. As abuse and neglect happens in all communities regardless of race, religion or socioeconomic background; this message must be continued to reach all until we can truly break the silence on child abuse."

Janay's results  raised awareness by having five successful symposiums that talked about Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Neglect Abuse, Sexual Abuse, and Signs of Abuse. Each symposium had a different guest speaker that discussed the different types of abuse that gave the audience a chance to share or ask any questions they might have had. At the beginning of each symposium the audience completed a pre survey. They completed a post survey at the end of each symposium. Janay created and managed a facebook page with posting pf updates on the project. She also posted inspirational quotes and recordings from each symposium  for those who were not able to attend.. She promoted a community donation drive and donated those items to the South Carolina Youth Advocate Program.

The Carolina Youth Advocate Program will see that the educational and information series will continue for the community... to break down barriers, deepen awareness and understanding, cut through stigmas and sterotypes and break the silence of child abuse.