Caitlyn campaign and Gold Award project against Bullying. She raised awareness in her community through education and developed a computer application (a downloadable app) for safe reporting and tracking of bullying incident. She wanted to change the culture of a local middle school. She launched her project at her church which had many benefits. Adult leaders and parents gained an understanding of how to recognize when a child is having difficulty, what actions they could take and where to go to find resources. The youth gained an understanding of the negative impact of bullying. They received information on how to support peers that are being bullied and the technology through the app of having a safe tool to report incidents without delays. In reflecting on her own journey, she shifted from the face behind the message to the face with the message. She shared her message of hope using video technology and speaking at community events and/or small group discussions.
The bullying education at her school consisted of a short page on bullying. This was distributed once at the beginning of the school year for students and parents to review and sign. This project was special because she says she witnessed bullying incidents in her school herself but was afraid to call for help. Years later, she has a survival testimony of her own. With support of family, a few close friends, and school administrators, she chose to STAND TALL & ANSWER THE CALL! Finding her voice helped her gain control of the bullying situation. While it took her some time to speak up, she does feel stronger today. Caitlyn shares her story to help others tell their story. Her campaign calls administrators, guardians, leaders, teachers and youth to action, believing that together, we create positive changes through education, reporting and tracking. Caitlyn stands tall with this Gold Award project and asks all of us to stand tall with her and when the warning signs of bullying ring out an alarm, stand up, stand tall and answer the call. She asks all of us to “stretch out of our comfort zone and say hello to helping someone in pain, danger or distress…Take the call.