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Gold Award Girl Scout - Gun Violence - Safety in Our Schools

Samaria Clark

Samaria put together webinars and informational sessions on a contemporary problem. She earned her Girl Scout Gold Award project over a years' time in 2021-2022. It seems with today's news headlines her project and topic are even more relevant everyday. Her project has been covered by local tv news and she has presented in forums and to the Girl Scouts of Eastern SC's Board of Directors. She partnered with North Charleston Police Department to develop and deliver her program. 

She is a current student of Trident Technical College in Charleston. She has begun her journey of study to become a nurse. 

She will officially receive her Gold Award recognition on April 29th at the GSESC Girl Recognition Ceremony. We congratulate Samaria and celebrate her for such a profound and significant undertaking. She is available for media interviews to tell her story or to share her project. Please contact us here to arrange for an interview, article or segment.