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INFORMATION ON BECOMING A NATIONAL COUNCIL DELEGATE                    (Nominations are accepted through February 24, 2022)

To become a National Delegate or Alternate for a three-year term and attend the 56th National Council Session July 2023 (specific dates TBD) in Orlando, Florida

What is the National Council Session?

Every three years, Girl Scouts gather together at the National Council Session (NCS) to reinvigorate our Movement, celebrate our accomplishments, and chart our future. Our 2023 National Council Session in Orlando, Florida, promises to honor our cherished traditions and, at the same time, propel the Movement forward for girls and young women.

Who can be a National Delegate?

Adult members and girl members 14 years of age and older on April 30, 2022 who are U.S. citizens registered with GSUSA through the Council and who reside in the Region. Delegates under age 18 will be chaperoned. The citizenship requirement is a requirement of the Congressional Charter that created GSUSA.

How are the Delegates Elected?

The Board Development Committee is responsible for preparing a slate of National Delegates and Alternates to represent Girl Scouts of Eastern South Carolina for a three-year term, including attending the National Meeting in July 2023. GSUSA has not yet finalized the number of National Delegates for each council, but we estimate that our GSESC Council will have 5 National Delegates. The slate of National Delegates and Alternates will be voted on at our Council’s Annual Meeting on April 30, 2022.

What are the Criteria for Selecting the National Delegates?

Criteria on which applicants will be rated include:

·         Strategic Thinking – demonstrates ability to contemplate long-term goals and objectives that advance the Movement as a whole, and is future-focused.

·         Communication – expresses ideas and facts in a clear manner

·         Experience in Policy-influencing or Policymaking – has participated in Council meetings, such as the Annual meeting and Service Unit meetings; effectively represents different points of view of the membership.

·         Knowledge of Girl Scouting – has experience in many levels and areas of Girl Scouting

·         Decision-Making – ability to analyze issues from a council and national perspective; demonstrates ability to weigh options and consider ramifications.

·         Adaptability – demonstrates flexibility when new information is brought forward; comes to Session informed, but not instructed.

·         Teambuilding – promotes partnerships and has a commitment to a team approach; will support decisions of the National Council.

·         Listening/Representation – demonstrates the ability to listen to others and collect input from all stakeholders.

What are the duties of a national Council Delegate?

1.      In advance of the National Council Session, each individual elected by the Council as a voting member/delegate to the National Council takes personal responsibility to:

·            Study all items on the agenda, including background information, and recommendations of the National Board of Directors;

·         Attend briefing and preparation meetings conducted by the Council.

·         Consider a broad spectrum of the opinions of adult and older girl members from all parts of the Council.

·         Participate in teleconferences/webinars for voting members sponsored by the National Organization. 

·         Engage in opportunities to discuss, learn, and share ideas across the Movement.

2.      While attending the National Council Session, each voting member is responsible for:

·         Attending all business meetings and participating in the proceedings.

·         Being fully prepared to participate in discussions and vote on all business items.

3.      Upon returning from the National Council Session , each National Council voting member/delegate is prepared to:

·         Report at the Council’s Annual meeting and/or the Council Board of Directors on the National Council decisions and the reasons for such decisions.

·         Share insights on information gained at the National Council Session.

·         Assist the council as it prepares to participate in the next National Council Session.

·         Participate in teleconferences/webinars and other opportunities for voting members/delegates.


What expenses will the Council cover?

GSESC will cover the following expenses for National Delegates:

·     Registration fees for:

-     National Council Session

-     Delegate-only sessions

-     Additional Delegate events as determined

·     Roundtrip transportation to and from Orlando, Florida.

·      Hotel accommodations, double occupancy – number of nights to be determined based on session start and end times. Delegates wishing private rooms may request (as available), but are responsible to pay the additional costs.

·      Per diem allowance to cover additional meals and miscellaneous expenses (number of days to be determined based on session start and end times)

·       Delegation identifying item(s)

The following expenses are the responsibility of the National Delegate:

·         GSUSA special events

·         Pre and post convention tours

·         Personal souvenirs

Can Alternate Delegates attend the National Council Sessions?

Alternate Delegates are welcome to attend the session as official visitors at their own expense. Alternate Delegates appointed to fill the vacancy of a National Delegate will be reimbursed for their expenses as outlined. GSESC will provide registration and hotel information as it becomes available to us.

How do I apply to be a National Delegate?

If you are interested in being considered to serve as a National Delegate, please complete the National Delegate Application and mail or e-mail it to the Council by April 30, 2022. 



The GSESC National Council Delegates will host two Zoom meetings to gather member feedback and discuss the proposals that will be presented at the National Council Session on July 18-20th in Orlando, Florida.

The details for the proposals can be found on the GSESC website at:

The webinars will be recorded and will be posted on our website. If you are unable to attend a Zoom meeting and would like to submit comments for our National Council Delegates, please email your comments to  

The Zoom meeting details are listed below:

National Council Proposal Discussion #1

Proposals to be Discussed:

  • Virtual National Council Sessions
  • Timing of Delegate Allocation
  • Formula for Delegates
  • Amend the Girl Scout Promise and Law


Thursday, June 15th 5:30 – 7:00pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 987 4327 2921

Passcode: GSESC1

National Council Proposal Discussion #2

Proposals to be Discussed:

  • Gold Award Scholarship
  • Council Representation on the National Board
  • DEIRJ Language

Tuesday,  June 27th 5:30-7:00pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 931 3899 2999

Passcode: GSESC2

Thank you for your support for the Girl Scout movement and Girl Scouts of Eastern South Carolina!

Diane Flanagan