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NCS- 2023 Action Taken

56th National Council Session

July 18–20, 2023

Action Taken

Over the last three days, National Council delegates debated seven proposals and took the following actions:

Proposal 7—Girl Scouts Gold Award Scholarship Fund

THAT the National Council hereby affirms the recommendation of the Movement Gold Award Scholarship Foundation Task Force to create a donor-restricted fund in support of Gold Award scholarships; and

THAT that in recognition of its importance, the existence of such fund shall be reflected in the Blue Book of Basic Documents in the Fundraising Policies section of the Blue Book (or any successor section of the Blue Book as may be appropriate from time to time).

·       This proposal was approved as presented.

Proposal 6—Constitutional Amendment: Timing of Delegate Allotment

Each local council to which a charter has been issued and remains in force shall be entitled to the following delegates based on the number of girls under its jurisdiction who are members of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America as of September 30, two years of the year preceding the regular session of the National Council:

a.     two (2) delegates;

b.     one (1) additional delegate for up to 3,500 girls;

c.      one (1) additional delegate for every 3,500 girls thereafter.


·       This proposal was approved as presented.

Proposal 3—Constitutional Amendment: Council Representation on the National Board

·       This proposal was defeated.

Proposal 5—Constitutional Amendment: Formula for Delegates

·       This proposal was defeated.

Proposal 1—Constitutional Amendment: Allowing the Possibility of Virtual Attendance

for National Council Sessions and for Special Sessions of the National Council

·       This proposal was divided.

·       Sections 1 and 3 were approved as presented.

·       Section 4 of the proposal was amended to limit the board’s discretion regarding virtual attendance at regular sessions of the National Council to emergency situations. The final wording for proposal 4 is:

Two hundred members of the National Council present in person shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at sessions of the National Council, provided, however, that delegates are present from one or more local councils in a majority of the geographical areas of the country as defined in the Bylaws. At the sole discretion of the National Board, any special National Council session and in the event of an emergency any regular National Council Session may be held in whole or in part by means of the internet or other electronic communications technology pursuant to which the members of the National Council have the opportunity to read or hear the proceedings substantially concurrently with their occurrence, vote on matters submitted to the members, pose questions, and make comments. Attendance through such means shall constitute presence in person at such meeting for quorum and voting purposes. In the absence of a quorum, a majority of those present at the time and place set for a session may take an adjournment from time to time until a quorum shall be present.

Proposal 4—Constitutional Amendment: DEIRJ Language Proposal

·       This proposal was approved as amended. The final wording of this proposal is:


Girl Scouts advance diversity, pluralism, and anti-racism and actively identify and oppose racism by removing systemic barriers to participation in our Movement and in the communities in which we live.

Proposal 2—Amend the Promise and Law

·       This proposal was divided into two sections.

·       Both sections were defeated.