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Other Ways to Give


The GIFT campaign

Girls Inspiring the Future Today (GIFT) campaign is specifically designed for families to have the opportunity to contribute financially to their daughter's Girl Scout leadership experience by making a personal, tax-deductible contribution to support the Girl Scout program. Family support for Girl Scouting is very important. We offer a wide range of opportunities to our Girl Scouts, and family contributions provide programs and funding for our camps, as well as resources and training materials for troop leaders. The cost of providing the programs, leadership, and materials that are required to support one girl for a year is $280. When you make a donation to the Family Giving campaign, 100 percent of your contribution stays in our council to support girls in the 21-county council area. Support from our families shows potential corporate donors that our members believe in the value of our organization.


Planned Gifts

Gifts of Cash

If you itemize, you can lower your income taxes simply by writing us a check. Gifts of cash are fully deductible - up to a maximum of 50% of your adjusted gross income.

Gifts of Stock

If you own stock, it is often more tax-wise to contribute stock than cash. This is because a gift of appreciated stock generally offers a two-fold tax savings. First, you avoid paying any capital gains tax on the increase in value of the stock. Second, you receive an income tax deduction for the full fair market value of the stock at the time of the gift.

Gifts of Life Insurance

A gift of life insurance can provide a significant charitable deduction. You could purchase a new policy or donate a policy that you currently own but no longer need. To receive a deduction, designate Girl Scouts of Eastern South Carolina as both the owner and beneficiary of the life insurance policy. Check with your insurance agent for the details.


Girl Scouts of Eastern South Carolina can be named as beneficiary in your will in any of the following ways:

-An outright gift

-With a designated dollar amount of a percentage of the value of    your estate, or

-We can be named as a remainder beneficiary to receive funds       only after specific sums have been paid to individual beneficiaries.

-Check with your estate attorney to learn more.

We are grateful for the following 

Planned Giving GSESC Participants 

                Sharon Arnold

                Diane Belk

                Nancy Borghesi

                Marty Brailsford

                Belinda Copeland

                Cindy Floyd

                Kelly Golden

                Sue Handy

                Dustin LaPorte

                Ruth Metzger

                Jane Pelletier

                Lisa Safford

                Patricia Slay

                Dr. Kendra Spencer


Planned Giving GSUSA

You can also visit the GSUSA Planned Giving page to see other options.


Booster Programs

Helping Girl Scouts of Eastern SC is easy!

Here are a few FREE simple things that can really make a financial impact on the council if we ALL participate!

Do you shop on Amazon? If so, shop through AmazonSmile to donate money to GSESC at no cost to you! Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.

Raise a penny (or more!) for our organization every time you search the web. is a search engine powered by, the internet's first online shopping mall where a portion of each purchase is donated to your favorite cause. Over 700 of the web’s best stores participate in this free program, and up to 26% of each purchase benefits our cause!
Join Now!

Search the web with Yahoo-powered GoodSearch and they’ll donate about a penny to GSESC each time you search!
Shop at more than 1,300 merchants including Amazon, Best Buy, Toys R Us, and others, and a percentage of each purchase will go to Girl Scouts of Eastern SC!