Silver Award Girl Scouts
Have you ever looked around your neighborhood or school and wondered how you could make a change for the better? Going for the Girl Scout Silver Award—the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette can earn—gives you the chance to do big things and make your community better in the process. Download the Silver Award guidelines to find out how.
You can pursue your Girl Scout Silver Award if:
You're in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade (or equivalent)
You're a registered Girl Scout Cadette
You have completed a Cadette Journey
Girl Scout Silver Award Steps
Identify an issue you care about
Build your Girl Scout Silver Award team or decide to go solo
Explore your community
Pick your Silver Award project
Develop your project
Make a plan and put it into motion
Reflect, share your story, and celebrate
Contact Danielle Sykes
(843)-669-5174 Ext. 3117